Game 3: United City BluesIn the book that this set of scenarios is loosely based (Paying the Piper by - obviously - Dave Drake) one of the mercenary forces employed by the Solace forces are the Wolverines. Whilst these are fine chaps, firstly they are fairly mild compared to the Slammers (hence them being totalled in the opening chapter) but - more importantly - I don't have any in 1/100th. So what the Solace got were the Flaming Sword of the Holy Brotherhood (Post 339TW). These are nasty, hard hitting Veteran Mercs and they had my two full detachments plus the remnants of the forces from the previous games: the two heavier detachments (one Veteran, one Trained) of Solace with their Colonel still in tow.They were pitched against Pete Merritt (and myself) running the Slammers in a city environment: we had the remains of the previous forces: three of Huber's Combat Cars (although Hehad turned into a She: I ran him as June Ranson with her flaky abilities due to his stress), four standard combat cars and two standard blowers. Pete also had a trick up his sleeve: hidden in the town were four uparmoured late Blowers and Colonel Hammer himself in a combat car. The game was largely a reversal of the first one with Slammers defending but with much heavier troops and no IEDs. Solace forces had to park a vehicle outside the HQ where we were hiding Grayle and - although we had to finish slightly early - the result was not in doubt. The arrival of the Holy Brotherhood (diced for and actually coming at the end of turn two) sealed the fate and the Slammers lost all of the blowers they had revealed and almost all of the combat cars.