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Smaller Scale Slammers
Small can be beautifulTony Francis of Brigade Games invited me down to the Maidstone Wargames Society for another Slammers game, this time using his new 6mm range.These demonstrate an unprecedented level of detail in this scale with the use of etched brass roofs and separate tri-barrels on the combat cars, for example.To add to the fun, we played over brilliant scenery representing a canal area: this was based on the scenery for an award winning WW2 game which the club had cunningly built so that the buildings could be swapped out: goodbye Normandy farm houses, hello down town SF structures!Forces available were three detachments of Slammers (Blowers, Combat cars and infantry with skimmers and jeeps) and a single Texion VTOL unit versus a couple of detachments of the Stewart Regiment, a single Waldheim Dragoons (my chaps for the day but sadly without their AT field guns) and a detachment of nasty, heavy TAS which - when their commander found the rapid fire button on their main guns - wreaked havoc (that’s what comes of making the troops pay for their own ammunition!)Although the game system has 6mm play sheets, we used the 15mm ones as the terrain was big enough and it worked very well, giving an ‘open’ feel to the combat. Half a dozen of us played for a pleasant afternoon and thank you very much for the invite gentlemen!John Treadaway