THE OFFICIAL WEBSITE OF THE HAMMER’S SLAMMERS THE CRUCIBLE RULES SYSTEM HANDBOOK Painted by John Treadaway Click thumbnail to enlarge GD806 15cm Artillery piece with infantry support The ACV GD806 Double 18cm Mortar and 15cm Artillery piece can cross water Spooky Ground Attack ship Raven Assault ship in the background and Hooded Crow with rear firing calliope Raven Assault ships and Black Crow landers deploying infantry in hard suits Spooky Ground Attack and Raven Assault ships provide cover for Black Crow landers deploying infantry in hard suits Black Crow lander carries one squad of infantry Raven Assault ships and Black Crow landers fly Nap of the Earth over almost any terrain while still using cover when in the combat zone Infantry in hard suits use powergun support weapons and buzzbomb launchers Black Crow lander carries one squad of infantry Black Crow landers deploy squads of infantry Black Crow landers deploy squads of infantry GD806 Double 18cm Mortar and 15cm Artillery piece with infantry in hard suits GD806 Double 18cm Mortar and 15cm Artillery piece with infantry in hard suits GD806 Double 18cm Mortar and 15cm Artillery piece with infantry in hard suits GD806 Double 18cm Mortar and 15cm Artillery piece with infantry in hard suits Raven Assault ship and Black Crow landers Raven Assault ship and Black Crow landers deploying infantry GD806 Double 18cm Mortar and 15cm Artillery piece, Raven Assault ship and Black Crow lander with infantry in hard suits GD806 Double 18cm Mortar and 15cm Artillery piece Spooky Ground Attack ship Infantry in hard suits and mounted on 'jet bikes' Raven Assault ships and Black Crow landers deploying infantry in hard suits Raven Assault ships and Black Crow landers deploying infantry in hard suits GD806 Double 18cm Mortar and 15cm Artillery piece, Raven Assault ship and Black Crow lander with infantry in hard suits Infantry in hard suits and mounted on 'jet bikes' Raven Assault ships and Black Crow landers deploying infantry in hard suits Raven Assault ships and Black Crow landers deploying infantry in hard suits Hooded Crow with rear firing calliope and Black Crow landers on the ground deploying troops Eaglewing Squadron in 15mm Hooded Crow with rear firing calliope and Black Crow landers on the ground deploying troops Return to Hammers Slammers Galleries page