THE OFFICIAL WEBSITE OF THE HAMMER’S SLAMMERS THE CRUCIBLE RULES SYSTEM HANDBOOK Painting and photography by Kevin Dallimore - Click thumbnail to enlarge Mosquito air and artillery defence calliope with quick firing light pulse lasers Three Scarab tank destroyers with heavy lasers in a restricted arc and light laser turrets Mosquito air and artillery defence calliope with quick firing light pulse lasers Experimental heavy tank Infantry anti-tank team using lasers and buzzbombs Experimental heavy tank Firefly light tank with medium and light laser mounts Mosquito air and artillery defence calliopes with quick firing light pulse lasers Experimental heavy tank Dragonfly GD806 APC with light laser mount Scarab tank destroyer with heavy laser in a restricted arc and light laser turret Experimental heavy tank Infantry anti-tank team take defensive positions amongst the rocks Wrecker - recovery vehicle Infantry deploy from APCs. The long barreled weapons are light laser support guns Experimental heavy tank The dangerous part - the turret of a GD808 Damselfly Anti-tank missile launcher with heavy ATGWs Dragonfly GD806 APC with light laser mount Two Dragonfly GD806 APCs with light laser mounts A detachment of the Alaudae Legion GD808 Damselfly Anti-tank missile launcher with heavy ATGWs and light laser mounts Infantry Infantry advance armed with laser carbines Return to Hammers Slammers Galleries page 15mm Alaudae Legion