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The MCEC are Veteran Detachments of 10 TUs or Trained Detachments of 15 TUs. Veteran Infantry Detachment: 1 M579 Tiger-shark; 2 M577 Manta-rays with 7 infantry TUs (1 Infantry Mortar Team TU, 2 infantry Support Squad TUs; 2 Tank Hunter Squad TUs and 2 Standard infantry cone-bore/flamethrowers TUs) . Total 1180pts. Or... Trained Infantry Detachment: 2 M579 Tiger-sharks; 2 M577 Manta-rays; 1 M57 Stingray Command with 10 infantry TUs (2 Infantry Mortar Team TU, 2 infantry Support Squad TUs; 3 Tank Hunter Squad TUs and 3 Standard infantry cone-bore/flamethrowers TUs). Total 710pts. Or... Veteran Armoured Detachment: 1 M578 Shark support; 1 M578 Shark anti-tank, 2 M577 Manta-rays; 1 M576 Stingray; 1 M576 Stingray Command. with only 4 infantry TUs (1 infantry Support Squad TU; 1 Tank Hunter Squad TU and 2 Standard infantry cone-bore/flamethrowers TUs). Total 1075pts. Or... Trained Armoured Detachment: Add 5 Standard infantry TUs to  a Veteran Armoured Detachment. Total 715pts. Or... Veteran Heavy Armoured Detachment: 3 M40 Ridgeway Heavy Tanks (including 1 command tank); 1 M292 Howitzer or 1 M22Jackson Med Tank, 2 M577-A2 Manta-Missile; 1 M577-A1 Manta-Support; with 3 infantry TUs (3 Assault Tank Hunter Squad TUs). Total 2565pts. All officers are Veterans. Add a VETERAN Lt. to any of these detachments at 20pts. Infantry Detachments have a Command Regular Infantry TU. Treat this force - whatever option is selected - as a SINGLE detachment during play. Build a bigger force with an additional detachment and add a Veteran captain (40pts). Add a third detachment with a Veteran major (100pts). 4th and 5th Detachments MUST be include the Trained detachments and each gets a Veteran major (100pts). NOTES: (-2BB) on DV: Special spaced armour reduces ALL attacks by shaped charges weapons (Buzzbombs and ATGW Missiles) by 2 (ie a buzzbomb at FP 1/6 becomes FP 1/4
Marvelan Confederacy Enforcement Corps (MCEC) - 353TW
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