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New Ukrainian Army in 15mm
The NUA Zaporoyskiye Regiment are Elite: Each Detachment is 8 TUs. Heavy Armoured detachment: 2 Molot Tanks (including a command tank); 2 Xaoc Medium Tanks; 1 Buran AA system; 1 Sokol (either variant), 2 TUs Assault infantry. Total: 2810pts or… Support detachment: 1 Groza Artillery system OR 1 Xaoc Medium Tank OR 1 Molot Tank; 1 Buran AA system; 2 Sokol (either variant), 4 TUs Infantry (2 Standard, 1 Support, 1 Tank hunters): Total: 1775pts (or 1825pts if the Molot is selected) Add a Lt. to any of these detachments at 40pts. Treat this force - whatever option is selected - as a SINGLE detachment during play. Build a bigger force with both  detachments and add a captain (80pts). To add a third detachment, make the Lieutenant an Elite major (+160pts) and select any from either of the Zaporoskiye Brigade sheets adding a Veteran Lieutenant to command that veteran detachment. A fourth Veteran detachment from the Zaporoskiye Brigade sheets can be added led by a Veteran Captain (40pts) but the Elite major could be swapped for Colonel Orlyk* at LV12 with Elite skills Inspirational Leader and Command Material (who costs an additional 200pts - making a total of 400pts). Note that the Heavy Armoured Detachment may use either a Molot or a Xaoc as a command tank or both if an Insurance sergeant is purchased. The Support Detachment - whichever of the three options chosen (Groza, Xaoc or Molot) - normally has an infantry commander in one Sokol and - if purchased - an Insurance sergeant in the other MICV. The NUA uses two different weapon types as ant-missile and anti-artillery defence. The standard red triangle is used by the Buran but other vehicles use a    blue triangle for their inferior secondary weapons. This denotes one roll at a QR to hit of MINUS 1 to achieve a success (so Veteran, as opposed to Elite).
Two Detachments with optional vehicles 3 1 download PDF