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Organisation The Federation based their structure and organisation around extended familial units, with, often, single extended families providing a handful of vehicles and a few dozen warriors. They were generally undisciplined but nevertheless highly skilled at combat at the operational levels in which they were normally employed: for example they had a great deal of experience in the hit-and-run tactics of guerilla warfare. Although the Sincanmo won the war on Meridienne, they took heavy losses at the battle of the Knifeblade Escarpment, including, of course, their tribal leader. In the post Meridienne war period, following Diabate’s death and the rise of his son to a position of power (the ‘Young Chief Diabate’), the Sincanmo Federation realised that they needed to purchase some dedicated standardised AFVs to equip some of their more experienced, veteran troops as - Despite winning the war, they had lost a great number of vehicles during the conflict. To this end - and alongside the Hunchbacks and Warthogs - they made purchases to supplement their Kanagawa Goannas and Geckos. and found the Dodge-Tata Zebuo 4x4 to be a useful substitute for the latter: the Zebu is a similar weight and size to the Kanagawa Gecko and could carry almost as much equipment.
The Sincanmo Federation - post 340TW
Dodge-Tata Zebu with ATGW weapons AC-TPEA Hunchback with two 3cm light cannon and ATGW missiles AC-TPEA Hunchback with two 3cm light cannon and ATGW missiles and a Gecko