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The main ECAP and - where appropriate - secondary weapons (usually the rapid fire 3cm powergun) on the MI vehicles are placed in a dual turret. They are both capable of anti-missile and ani-artillery work but are not independently targetable so - although they are both usable in this role they do react less efficiently than, say, dedicated tribarrels or calliopes. This is seen by some theorists as a step down in capability but was considered an acceptable 'trade off' by the TAS. The lighter Banshee Support vehicle has twin 3cm powerguns in a dedicated mini- turret which are very efficient when used in the anti-missile role. Fireflies These remote units are light collections - or swarms - of flying drones which, as a means of both propulsion and lift, use Static Repulsion Generators. Shaped like small, quite featureless metal balls, they generally carry 1cm Powerguns acting, effectively, as sub-machine guns. Controlled from either dedicated infantry squads or from the Banshee Firefly Control vehicle, these units act as remote control attack units, and - along with being armoured to the same level as the best infantry equipment  - are (because of the way they move and take cover and their very small size) very hard to hit. Enhanced Panel ADS The Anti buzzbomb and close in defence systems on the Minerva Industries vehicles have increased lethality against infantry and an enhanced blast effect against armoured vehicles. They have sacrificed nothing of their effectiveness against their primary target, however: shoulder launched anti-armour weapons (buzz-bombs). Mine clearance Because of their SRG movement system, they are highly resistant to mine attack and so - with the exception of the MICVs, these lighter Minerva Industries vehicles lack mine clearing capability.
Infantry using Fireflies
Terran Authority Starmarines Advanced Units (348TW and beyond)