The Terran Authority Starmarines Advanced Police Units are Elite:
Each Detachment is 8 TUs. All infantry not on Skimmers TUs start the game in APCs.
Advanced Police Mobile Infantry Detachment: 8 TUs skimmer mounted infantry. Total: 800pts. Or...
Advanced Police Action Detachment: 1 Spectre MICV; 1 Spectre Command Vehicle; 4 TUs infantry (1 Regular, 1
support squad and 2 Firefly Control Squads with 6 Firefly Remote Units). Total: 1360pts. Or...
Advanced Heavy Police Detachment: 1 Wraith Medium Tank, 1 Wraith Command Tank, 2 Ghost Light Tanks, 1
Banshee Missile Support with Sniper Pod and 1 Banshee light Support with 3 Firefly Remote Units. Total: 2345pts.
Add a Lt. to any of these detachments at 40pts.
Use any of these detachments as a stand alone force or as direct replacements for the Police Action Detachment
and Heavy Police Action Detachment in the earlier (standard) Terran Authority Starmarines Big Detachment Card.
Firefly Controllers (vehicle or infantry based).
Up to 3 Firefly units may be remote controlled by one control TU. Each moves using 1,2,4 rule (1LP moves one
Firefly, 2LP the 2nd, 4LP the 3rd unit). Fireflies are independently targetable at minus 1QR (i.e Veteran: 4+).
DV: 9 all arcs. Damage: ANY hit destroys. Max distance from controller - Medium (120cm) Move: Fast Lt NoE
15cm (Measurements for 15mm models. Reduce all factors for 6mm models).
Banshee Missile Support fitted with a Sniper Pod
The vehicle may designate its own ATGWs giving 'fire and forget' capability to the missiles it carries. the 'sniper' is
always assumed to have line of site on the target as long as it is in sight in phase 5a. In addition, it may also
designate for other assets - other friendly TUs with ATGWs.
If no missiles are fired it may act as a powergun weapon: Sh 2, FP2/2. It may act as superior spotting for Mortars
and Artillery, just as a regular Sniper TU would – (see page 120 of The Crucible). It costs 1LP per turn to activate.
Terran Authority Starmarines Advanced Police Units (348TW and beyond)