Landing pad on the Drilling rig THE OFFICIAL WEBSITE OF THE HAMMER’S SLAMMERS THE CRUCIBLE RULES SYSTEM HANDBOOK All models painted and scenery by the South London Warlords Click thumbnail to enlarge Sheffield 2011 Show Game in 15mm Return to Hammers Slammers Galleries page John Treadaway throwing dice - Sheffield 2011 Day 1 Jim Clark moves his Thunderbolts - Sheffield 2011 Day 1 Kevin Dallimore surveys the Shanty Town - Sheffield 2011 Day 1 The Eagles have landed - Sheffield 2011 Day 1 Kevin Dallimore with the Waldheim and the Star Port - Sheffield 2011 Day 2 Jim Clark advances his Thunderbolts - Sheffield 2011 Day 1 The Shanty Town - Sheffield 2011 Day 1 Waldheim Dragoons move towards the Star Port - Sheffield 2011 Day 2 The game - Sheffield 2011 Day 1 The drilling rig - Sheffield 2011 Day 1 Division Legere move towards the Star Port - Sheffield 2011 Day 2 Tank park of unused vehicles Sheffield 2011 Day 1 The drilling rig - Sheffield 2011 Day 1 Peter Merritt moves the Alaudae Legion - Sheffield 2011 Day 2 The game - Sheffield 2011 Day 1 Jim Clark advances his Division Legere - Sheffield 2011 Day 2 Jim Clark with participants - Apex Dragoon in the foreground - Sheffield 2011 Day 2 Peter Merrit moves his Alaudae Legion - Sheffield 2011 Day 2 John Treadaway and the Star Port - Sheffield 2011 Day 2 Click to go to the previous page of shots of the Sheffield 2011 show game 3