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Infantry The Stewart infantry carried special rifle to counter their lack of buzzbomb systems. These grenades included specialist AT rounds and what these lacked in absolute punch - they were slightly less effective than comparable buzzbomb rounds - they made up for in numbers: ever soldier carried at least one so there were no dedicated Tank Hunter teams in the Stewart Regiment. But these AT Rifle grenades were not common for a reason: an additional downside - other than the smaller warhead - was that, being quite a slow, heavy and rather unsophisticated projectile, the AT round hit side rather than the thinner top armour of AFVs (as an ATGW would) and was therefore capable of being intercepted by the anti- buzzbomb systems often fitted to top-of-the-line AFVs. Regimental infantry wore an imported soft armour suit covering the torso and upper arms with an armoured helmet although, very occasionally, a sergeant might wear a Glengarry. Training During the opening months of the second Kalan Civil War, much of the Stewart Regiment lacked combat experience save a few veterans of the earlier conflict that had stayed in the army. Nevertheless, the Scotsmen were highly motivated - if often badly led -by their officers.  However, with the right leaders to follow - like Major FitzAlan - detachments could either attack relentlessly or hold ground well in defensive positions, using their great experience in the hunt to defend emplacements and provide accurate fire using their AFVs and anti-tank guns and well placed rifle grenades.
This Katy Heavy mortar has deployed its squad of support infantry
The Stewart Regiment during the 2nd Kalan Civil War - 329TW
Two Tyche anti-tank towed weapons deployed and in action Hardgate Industries Apollo MBT has impressive armour, especially in the frontal arc