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The Stewart Regiment are Fanatics - each Detachment is 12 TUs. Any infantry may start the game in vehicles or emplaced at player’s discretion (Supplement 4) Highland detachment: 2 Apollo MBTs (one of which is a command tank), 2 Artemis MICVs, 2  Kunitsa APCs each with a Tyche Heavy Anti-tank gun, 1 Katy Mortar APC; 5 infantry TUs (select any mix): Total: 2650pts Add a Lt. to this detachment at 5pts. Treat this force as a SINGLE detachment during play. Build a bigger force with a duplicate detachment and add an additional captain 10pts. A third duplicated detachment may be added but requires Major FitzAlan (45pts). Major FitzAlan may be present at any detachment size and may replace any lower ranking officer. He may also be supported by an Insurance Sergeant. As Fanatics (Supplement 4), although they fight as Elite, all leadership uses Untrained skills. However, they may use the “Follow Me” Optional Rule (Supplement 3) as Elites. Note that the Stewart Regiment has only three infantry types Normal, Grenadiers any mix of which may be selected, depending on need, and snipers. The Grenadiers can use light anti-armour round for their Grenade Launchers may be used INSTEAD of the standard Grenade Round. This enters side armour on an AFV and is affected by ADS. Note all vehicles fight as a matter of course with crew members firing ‘un-buttoned’ from the hatches with any one infantry weapon type. However, the first time a weapon is hit (Damage result 3 or 4) this weapon system, in addition to other damage - is automatically lost - the crew member hanging out of the hatch has been killed or disabled. Note that the Tyche Anti-Tank weapon’s gun crew, may elect to chose to fight as a standard infantry team as opposed to firing the main weapon. Defensively they benefit from the weapon’s shield (so target the weapon) and will not abandon the weapon. As usual they are killed if the weapon is destroyed. Vehicle movement when towing the Tyche is reduced to Med, Wheeled 10cm. Weapon or Fighting Guncrew counts as Hvy Inf DV7 in Light Cov’ +1. Any additional cover is Heavy +2. Turning deployed weapon (firing arc FA) costs 1LP. Hitching or unhitching costs 2LPs.
The Stewart Regiment during the 2nd Kalan Civil War - 329TW
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