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Painting the Terran Authority Starmarines Police (post 348TW)
Brigade Models are gradually relaunching their range of 15mm vehicles, with the same items in 6mm.We wanted to take the opportunity to provide two forces for the Slammers universe from these ranges and, on the game universe timeline, these have now been incorporated as the Terran Authority Starmarines Advanced Police Units (348TW and beyond).The vehicles are supplemented by new UNSCfrom Ground Zero Games with grav bikes (to be sourced) from the same manufacturer.Cleaning and AssemblyThe vehicle models come in a mixture of resin and metal.After they were cleaned with acetone and a little ‘fettling’ done on the fit of the components (they were a commendably tight fit), they were assembled with super glue. I had sourced some plastic clear bases as I wanted the vehicles to float a little off of the game surface.Spray primer and top coatThree different Army Painter spray primers were used with Wolf Grey as the base coat. This was followed with a spray of Crystal Blue sprayed through an irregular mask. When this was (mostly) dry, the same mask was used to spray Navy Blue over other areas.This had the effect I was after: a sky camouflage with quite soft edges.This was then edge lined with Crystal Bluelightened with white. Detail was then painted on (the drive units) in metal colours with a purple ink wash)