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Painting the Slammers Command car 15mm by  Brigade Models
Vehicles and figures given a black ink and Future wash
The new Ainsty 15mm Command Cars have hit production as have the new Ground Zero Games Slammers infantry. The final new element that made this build and paint session possible are the new decals from Ainsty which allows both Slammers shields, vehicle names and letter/number sets (four to a sheet - enough for a boxed troop of vehicles). Command Cars The new Brigade vehicles have a separate rear door/ramp which can be positioned either up or down, allowing some positioning of figures and so forth and - as that seemed to good an opportunity to miss (and as the new GZG ones were just out) - this is what I did. The two I painted had the ramps stuck one up and one down. They were then cleaned with a quick wipe down with some acetone. Cleaning and Assembly After the toys were cleaned, they were assembled with super glue. There was, of course, very little to do as there is only minimal weaponry and no splinter shield: tribarrels were stuck on the roof position, one with an etched brass shield, one without. The crew exiting from the rear of the vehicle were selected from the GZG packs: one kneeling with a 2cm power gun and one with a grenade launcher. They were cleaned (though, as these figures are brand new, they had virtually no extraneous material to remove) and had their bases removed with clippers and then filed flat. The crew were then stuck on some thin plastic bases to aid handling during painting.
John Treadaway - November 2017
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Vehicles and figures given a black ink and Future wash Vehicles painted and figures finished and stuck in position Vehicles painted and figures finished and stuck in position Vehicles assembled and figures with bases cut off Vehicles assembled and figures with bases cut off