THE OFFICIAL WEBSITE OF THE HAMMER’S SLAMMERS THE CRUCIBLE RULES SYSTEM HANDBOOK Click pictures to enlarge Return to Hammers Slammers Galleries page Assembling and painting The strike platoon pictured here (shown here alongside a couple of Old Crow Geckos) consists of nine vehicles with three different turret types. I used the very nice turrets from Old Crow; I guess I could have sculpted my own but I got lazy at this point. What I did do to make each vehicle into an individual was to sculpt rolls and tarpaulins onto them. Pellets of green stuff, shaped with a dentist's tool and the back of a knife blade were quite quick and easy; I added about two dozen rolls to the nine vehicles you see here in about an hour and a quarter, including the first few which were pulled off and re-done. Once everything was assembled, I hit them with a sprayed black undercoat followed by craft colour paints; two coats of 'light avacado' for the armour, a mid-gray for the tyres and details, mid-brown for the stowage and a dry-brush of a sandy colour across everything. I have learned that you need to start a couple of shades paler than you think if you're going to use a wash for shading. Once the basics were in place, I blacked out the armoured glass windows, and I painted the markings at this point too; a black-on-white version of the Apex Dragoon symbol so that it would show up on the green armour. Next, a spray of satin varnish to get a consistent surface across the whole model, before I brushed a coat of GW Devlan Mud over everything. After I had spruced up the glass with a bit of blue paint, I glued them all to bases (yes, my axles weren't perfectly in line with each other) and sprayed a coat of Army Painter Matt Varnish across everything.  Colin Hagreen All photographs and models by the author. Links Colin’s Blog: Wulfweb Casting supplies and equipment: Tiranti  Turrets: Old Crow A completed, quite unique, detachment Bed rolls and tarpaulins added from greenstuff Early Apex Dragoons in 15mm - by Colin Hagreen Base colours added, ready for markings and drybrushing The whole platoon ready to receive paint