THE OFFICIAL WEBSITE OF THE HAMMER’S SLAMMERS THE CRUCIBLE RULES SYSTEM HANDBOOK Click pictures to enlarge Return to Hammers Slammers Galleries page Division Légère in 15mm - by Jim Clark Building the vehicles Okay where do I start? Panthère Medium Tank This was the easiest so I started with that. All I did was cut off the front of the barrel on the British (ONESS) Apollo Class MBT with my trusty razor saw, leaving the large part of the barrel in place. I then cut the barrel off the turret on the German (ONESS) Thor MBT, keeping the base for other vehicles. I now drilled out the base of the barrel on the turret, trying to make it as central as possible. I think I started with a 1mm, then a 2mm to get the hole size I needed. The other barrel was then glued into the hole. This however meant that the new turret was front heavy, I overcame this by drilling a 1mm hole in the middle of the models base, then drilled a similar hole in the turret and glued a pin into the turret, this prevented the turret from tipping forward. I then glued a GZG Missile Box to each turret for the ATGW box on the tank, which helped counteract the metal barrel to some extent, but I left the pin in anyway. The final job was to glue the hatches and a small 20mm machine gun onto the turret, this came from my spare box. I got the item from Sgt’s Mess who do a lot of stowage and stuff. Gorille Jeeps and Babouin Remote Controlled ATGW Units Okay the Babouin units were easy to build: they were the GZG MAWP units made straight out of the box, so to speak. I was lucky with the Jeeps as I had purchased 2x 15mm Panther CLV's with the intention of using them for something else. So I took the base from the GZG Light Hover Truck, and tried them together for size. Okay I had to cut a bit off the back to get a reasonable fit. Once these were glued together, then I drilled and fitted a GZG Missile Turret to the top, and there it was a 15mm Gorilla Jeep. Next page. Division Legere Panthere at bay Division Legere Babouine peeping around the back of a TAS HALO tank