THE OFFICIAL WEBSITE OF THE HAMMER’S SLAMMERS THE CRUCIBLE RULES SYSTEM HANDBOOK Click pictures to enlarge Return to Hammers Slammers Galleries page Division Légère in 15mm - by Jim Clark Painting the vehicles That's it: assembly finished, now to the painting. I had in mind a WW2 French camouflage pattern, but wanted a picture to make sure I'd remembered it correctly, thankfully a friend found a website for me so I was off. It's a very simple pattern really and I used the following paints, all Vallejo Model Colour; Desert Yellow - Base Colour Reflective Green - One Third in Patches Flat Brown - One Third in Patches Black - This was used as a border between the other colours Track Primer - Skirts and Aerial Bases Gunmetal Grey - Support Weapon Barrels and Aerials Periscope - Vision Blocks Light Grey - Sensor Domes on Artillery Turrets and Radar Dishes on Calliopes. What next? That's it really. My Next Project will be creating my own Mercenary Group, the Grossdeutschland Grenadiers, but I intend to repaint some of the models I already have and buy a few extra from GZG and Brigade Models. The camouflage will be loosely based on the urban style using two tones of grey, black and white, so: watch this space! Jim Clark All models by the author. All Photographs by John Treadaway. More shots f the finished Division Légère (including the artillery pieces) can be seen here Division Legere Pantheres advance en masse Division Legere Panthere opens fire