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Backing the Hiroseki up were their paid mercenaries. Clark's Commandos are a fairly light force: fast and mobile with flexible weapon systems but - again - no real match for the TAS and their brutal HALO tanks. They used some tank destroyers that fired - effectively - buzzbombs that could penetrate, and some mortar come ATGW launchers that might have an effect but all of the vehicle that they faced - from both the TAS and the Apex - had Anti-Buzzbomb systems and some anti-ATGW systems. As the Commandos literally arrived at the rear of the emplaced Hiroseki forces as the battle commenced, it was obvious that it was gong to be a tough fight... Placement and Entry The Hiroseki were positioned across the width of the town taking cover in the city streets, with infantry hidden (until they opened fire) in forward buildings and (hidden) snipers on roof tops. The Commandos - led by Colonel Clark himself - were arriving in a column to their rear. The attackers (Mikes forces under an Apex Colonel with subordinates and the TAS captain) arrived at the opposite table end, having seen the lie of the land and deployment. The Apex formed a slow rolling centre while the TAS tore up both left and right table edges.
Fighting on the planet of Testimonial
Clarks Commandos caught on the road as they enter town Initial deployment and moves Hiroseki vehicles hiding behind the monorail station - the infantry are hidden inside