•The Banshee Light support vehicleThis is a small vehicle: ignoring the size of the SRG conduit (the thin 'plenum chamber' looking slab underneath the main body) the hull itself is scarcely bigger than a jeep. There are two variants used by the TAS: the Missile Support vehicle uses a Kestrel 2 ATGW launcher, capable of firing two of these small 'mini-missiles' at once from a turreted external turret. These can be guided using enhanced 'sniper' systems allowing the vehicle to fire from advantageous positions.The other version of the Banshee uses a mini-turret with two, fast firing 3cm power guns and has a control system for up to three swarms of Firefly remote drones.Both vehicle types have a crew of two, driver and gunner commander/Firefly controller, but have no space for any other crew. Any spare space is taken up with missiles to feed to the launcher or stored Fireflies and ammunition.InfantryAs mentioned earlier, the infantry wear full hard suits and - by 350TW - all regular units carry the Falcon: a Medium Range, shoulder launched Buzzbomb. This is a very effective weapon against armour and infantry. This means that there are no dedicated anti-armour units. Support squads carry heavy powergun support weapons along with regular Advance Assault Rifle powerguns but lack the buzz-bombs. Firefly control units specialise in the remote control of Firefly units, but still have a capability in combat as they carry the standard assault rifle.Regular infantry may be mounted on the Torakusu YA426 grav bikes. These are useful in more 'police' orientated situations: they are fast (using Static Repulsion Generators for lift) and very mobile. They have also proved their worth in hard hitting assault: the troopers still carry their Falcon buzzbombs.
Terran Authority Starmarines Advanced Units (348TW and beyond)