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Training Day’s
All forces had one obvious command vehicle in their force, meaning three leaders using the rule Leading from the Front giving an extra bonus to their leadership skills.Mike came in on one corner and used Rapid Fire to fast fire his weapon systems at the risk of wrecking his guns. Doing so he quickly knocked out heavier vehicles (the Arietes’ Cougar tank, for one) and used the sniper pod on his Banshee to place missiles from cover on other vehicles.Ken got off to a bad start with a really poor roll for Leadership Points (snake eyes). The fight back from the mixed older mercs continued and – using their sniper – they managed to take out Mike’s command tank but Mike had discovered the sniper and hosed him down from his roof top position.James and then Ken tried to deploy their anti-tank buzzbomb resources, with crews leaping from concealment in buildings and even the remote vehicles controlled by their Lynx MICV but – with the TAS and their ability to use their defensive measures against buzzbombs – they had little success.In addition, although requiring a lot of control, Mike used Fireflies against both light vehicles and infantry – and even the remote vehicles – while they were very hard to kill with the weapon systems Ken had available to him.The game finished with Mike in charge of the battlefield but not yet having achieved his objective although – if in the following turn he’d taken a break from blowing things up – with the speed of the TAS vehicles and what he had left, he would have probably succeeded.