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Towed Anti-Tank weapons The Stewart Regiment Tyche, made by Hardgate Industries, mates a basic, single trail, wheeled gun platform with a new 9.5cm DS Railgun. It is manually loaded with a powered assist and has a heavily armoured shield to protect the crew of three. It can take out even the heaviest MBTs from their front arc. These are towed behind the Kunitsa APCs. The Infantry The Stewart Regiment Infantry, although fierce - almost fearless - fighters, had good, practiced weapon skills although with a limited range of weapons. They primarily used Flechette assault rifles - effectively an automatic version of a civilian hunting rifle - but had no heavy support weapons to speak of (which was one of the reasons for their lack of success when fitting them to vehicles). A plan was put into place to make a 'man portable' version of the 2cm cannon fitted to the Artemis but it was found to be just too unwieldy. What the infantry also carried were flechette auto-shotguns - again a conversion from a civilian weapon - and imported rifle grenades. These could be fitted to any of the assault rifles and came in two variants: an anti-personnel round and an anti- armour round. Since this was the only 'tank busters' the infantry had (lacking even buzzbombs: like the ATGWs the factory was on the 'wrong side' of the conflict) they were carried extensively: every man carried at least one of the AT rounds each.
Infantry and gun crew deploy from the backs of Kunista APCs acting as Prime Movers for the Tyche anti-tank weapons
The Stewart Regiment during the 2nd Kalan Civil War - 329TW
Having unhitched the Tyche anti-tank gun from the rear of a Kunista, the crew prepare to emplace while taking a defensive stance