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Peter Merritt - March 2022
Shacks provide some cover for AFVs and infantry ...but not much cover Command Lynx APC Hellcat under fire Another Hellcat under fire
All photos by John Treadaway & Peter Merritt Click thumbnail to enlarge
Heavy tank destroyer under fire
Upping the Ante: a Hammer’s Slammers Battle Report
The Game/continued This meant that the PRA ambush came to naught. Well, other than generating lots of – fortunately small calibre – return fire from Christopher into the buildings. On the NE flank, again the Ariete got off to a less than sparkling start when Lt Treadaway used a fistful of his command points in an attempt to execute a massed ‘Follow me!’ option, which would have seen half his force roll together as one in an unstoppable steel tide… However, seems the tide was out that day as John failed the key roll and no-one else followed his lead! Not only that, but a probe down the road by a scout vehicle with an APC as backup came to grief when, having blown up some armoured trucks near the mine workings, they were ‘set-upon’ by another crossfire from the PRA tanks and SPs, from which only the infantry inside the APC survived. As with the other flank, however, gradually the Ariete worked their way forward through the wooded terrain, taking out first the truly terrifying F35 SP/AT, then each of the PRA heavy armour in turn. There were some close shaves during return fire, and the sky was full of – fortunately – light ATGMs, for a while. In the end, the Ariete was simply too powerful and commanders good for the PRA engaged, and as they loss level tipped over the key 50% level, the PRA decided that their delaying mission had been achieved. It must also be said that the Ariete had gained a new respect as well as insight into the mettle of their PRA opponents, and much thought would need to go in to the next encounters. GAME OVER