All shots and models by John Treadaway 23/10/13 - Click thumbnail to enlarge
Sincanmo Federation geckos move past the burning wrecks of their fellow militia men The hi-rises in downtown Dulwich... A burning Division Legere Pathere tank under the monorail A Division Legere Hades Tank Destroyer defends the junction Legere troops hide on the roof tops Division Legere Babouins in the shelter of the destroyed monorail track Sincanmo Hunchback advances Sincanmo Hunchback destroyed by a light ATGW missile A burning Division Legere Pathere tankdestroyer succumbs to a rear shot from a Sincanmo Goanna Sincanmo Goanna with Railgun Return to Hammers Slammers Galleries page
Club Game at the Warlords in 15mm
Division Legere Porc-epic calliope advances down a street towards an Epee APC and a burning Hades tank destroyer
A battle for the Dulwich City continues!
Turn two: The rolled initiative was similar to the first round but this time the Sincanmo moved as dictated by the dice: ie first and last. They used missiles on heavier Légère armour - the only way they could take out the tanks and especially the tank destroyers that have a frontal Defensive Value of 10 (the Sincanmo have few better weapons than their tribarrels and these only have a Firepower of 3 against armour: if they hit, they'd have to roll a 7 on a 6 sided dice to penetrate so… no joy there). But ATGW missiles go in through the top armour which is, of course, weaker and the Légère lost some heavier vehicles. They even lost a tank to a spirited technical that rushed past it and shot it in the rear… Longer range fire in the second round saw the Légère take out some of the missile carrying lighter technicals with both main and secondary weapons (the Panthère tank is not short of weaponry) but the new commander was struggling to deploy his forces well: some of the ATGWs were now useless as the Sincanmo targets were inside the minimum arming range. And, conversely, some of the Federation buggies were outside of shoulder launched RPG range. So poor judgement from a new real-world commander (ie the player: both sides actually had Elite commanders on their play sheets helping with Leadership points and initiative) who'd never used the force before, teamed with poor dice throws did the Division no favours. Turn three: The Sincanmo lost some more vehicles, including a heavier armoured Hunchback - easy meat for the main gun on a Hadès Tank Destroyer or missiles if they could get a lock. The Épée APCs with lighter support weapons (but still nasty enough to shoot up technicals) tried to help out the infantry who were moving to lower floors in the buildings just to get better shots at some of the attacking vehicles but, by the end of turn three, the Légère had lost enough vehicles in the armoured detachment - two tanks and two tank destroyers (all but one of them to missile attacks) plus a missile jeep and two remotes to force a morale check, having exceeded 50% casualties. They rolled at the end of the turn, bowled a dismal two (as Veterans they needed to make their Quality Roll: a 4 plus to stay and fight) and (what was left of) the armour surrendered and - as their commander was by now dead - the infantry and support vehicles volunteered to do likewise. The Sincanmo Federation rode into town and took all of the flat screen TVs and iPads they could lay their hands on…