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Vehicle Types: heavy armour The Bars MBT is equipped with the rapid firing heavy auto cannon. Whilst not capable of penetrating the heaviest thetank armour fron the front, except with a very lucky shot, it does deliver rounds very quickly and the same system was used in its variant the Vombat. This is effectively an infantry carrying version of the Bars MBT, armed with the same weapons but capable of carrying one 4 man squad to the vehicle’s rear, sacrificing  rear arc on its main weapon but not the secondary. The heavy BMP-BM APC has twin 2cm gatlings and carries the same 12 man squad as the older (and less well armoured or armed) Kunitsa, however the Vombat “Terminator” has twin 2cm gatlings plus a heavy Brumbar ATGW system in a 360 turret, but can still carry infantry if the rear compartment isn’t stuffed with missile reloads... The Mech tank hunter features the same 22cm DS Railgun as used on older Brigade vehicles, which is also used on the Bizon, however the Volk assault gun uses a direct fire siege mortar. There is also a Bizon support artillery piece which doesn’t have the elevation to use it as a true artillery piece but can do serious damage to both structures and infantry, as well as AFVs using penetrating rounds. The Bars is scheduled to have a larger gun fitted but - in the mean time - experiments have been made with using the Bizon turret with the 7cm weapon on the chassis of the Bars. Generally dubbed a ‘Barzon’ this is seen simply as a stop gap until more work has been carried out on the turret of the Bars. On the same basis, it may be possible to up gun the Mech at a later date to something ore powerful. The Mammont Super heavy Tank has twin 22cm main guns rather than the single slow firing (but heavier) weapons tried previously but other variants are being experimented with using either twin 6cm gatlings (called the Mastodont) or one of each of those in the main turret (the Ublyudok or ‘Mongrel’).
The Zaporoskiye Brigade (Post 340TW)
A so-called Barzon - this has the turret and 22cm DS gun from the Bizon mated to the hull of a Bars MBT. This is seen as a stop gap measure. Infantry deploy from the front access ramp of a Heavy APC while a Vombat Terminator stands guard to the rear.