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Sincanmo Units The Sincanmo primarily use a selection of light ‘buggy’ style vehicles. Most are made by the company Koromo based on Hiroseke although some are manufactured under licence on a handful of worlds: they have become almost ubiquitous to the extent that, sometimes, wars fought using “technicals” manufactured by this company are simply referred to as “Koromo Wars”. The vehicles are usually open, light and fast and can be outfitted with a very large variety of – sometimes – inappropriately oversized weapons. They can also tow trailers, further extending their usage, and can even have up armour packs added to give them some better form of ballistic protection. The Sincanmo use them in three major configurations: the 4 wheeled Qaadi (Judge); the 6 wheeled Naïb (Deputy) with it’s extended rear body, and the half track variant of that vehicle the Amiir (Prince). The latter affords some extra traction over poor ground. In addition to those vehicles, they employ a heavier 8 wheeled vehicle – usually named Garaad. This carries heavier armour and can be outfitted with a variety of weapons. The new Chief Diabate has a version of this (called his Ugass) which has even more armour added. He has no intention of following the fate of his father... Finally, the traditional Sincanmo riding creature is a large lizard known as a Megama. Some of the Sincanmo tribal forces still use this creature as – effectively – ‘dragoons’. Although they don;’t carry heavy weapons on them, they do make for rapid deployment and fast hit and run raids. WEAPONS The Sincanmo use almost every type of weapon they can lay their hands on. They buy these on the open market or acquire them from defeated opponents. These range from slug throwers of all kinds, missiles – both ATGW and hypersonic – and (when they can find – and maintain – them) powerguns.
A Sincanmo Naib troop transport
Hashemite National Army and Sincanmo Federation