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TAS advance The Apex forces now made full use of the 'Follow Me' and 'Charge' rules to move their vehicles forward as quickly as they could, simultaneously debussing their infantry on their start line (figuring to use their command leadership points to help with organising and galvanising other units). But - while this was going on - the TAS put their collective foot down and coved over half the length of the table by turn three, using all three weapon systems on board (main gun, secondary tribarrel and ATGW launcher) to regularly destroy multiple kills in any one turn: first forward elements of the Hiroseki and then Commando vehicles. But it didn't all go their way! Despite using tribarrels to occasionally swat missiles and the anti-buzzbomb systems to defeat the lighter shoulder launched systems time after time they took two losses to HALO tanks: one minor defeat was a tank losing its drive system thereby robbing it of the power to advance and - as it was in a tight spot - it had quickly run out of targets to destroy (although it did plenty!). But another HALO tank went down to massed buzz-bomb attack from Hiroseki infantry hiding in the monorail station: they got enough hits in through the roof and - eventually - one took the tank out. The TAS also lost their debussed infantry to masses infantry laser fire from the same source. And - while we're talking infantry - the Commandos at the top of the building opened fire with their anti-armour grenade launchers from the top of the HQ building with little to show for it, other than getting shot to pieces by massed gatling fire from the Apex dragoons...
Two Soheis and a Shaman advance through town
Fighting on the planet of Testimonial
Apex Tank Destroyers push on through the trees Final moves Clarks Commandos lose their APC - and almost lose their sniper - along with a Hiroseki Shaman - early on as they pass the HQ