I added some stowage in the
shape of resin Old Crow Jerry
cans and sand chutes from a toy
SAS jeep. Next in the weathering
and shading process came metal
and MiG pastel powders.
First I used GW Boltgun Metal and
worked that into areas that might
have experienced wear and tear:
door and hatch edges, plus the
rear of the truck bed.
Then powdered pastels: I used an
old brush and pushed MiG’s ‘Old
Rust’ and ‘Standard Rust’ (brown
and orange, effectively) into some
areas that might have experienced
water retention and thereby might
have rusted.
My next layer of pastels and some
‘Rubble Dust’ over the lower hulls.
Stowage added and MiG powders brushed into areas where dirt or rust might collect